Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Johnson Hardware 2021 Clue Game Clue 16

...while the blonde went for a half slab of ribs, potato skins, and a double shot of Old Grand Dad. Hard-drinking gals - just my type. Who knows where this might go? Myra mentioned it might be a while because they were short-handed in the kitchen.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. There was something strange going on and I just couldn’t get all the puzzle pieces to fit. Yeah, I was on my third Blackie and Red but it takes five to get my tiny gray cells to wave the white surrender flag.

Each of these broads looked strangely familiar, but try as I might I couldn’t figure out when or where I had bumped into them before. They were giggling and having a good time, that much was clear.  As the bar grew more crowded, these three started to attract some attention. A few of the regulars tried to cozy up to them but each one was shot down. The gals weren’t buying what the guys were selling. 

Myra returned from the kitchen carrying the tray with their steaming food. It looked delicious and I remembered I was hungry too. I hate to eat anytime past 6 pm and the minute hand on my watch was almost pointing straight to the sky.

After the brown-eyed brunette took a few petite bites from that monster Z burger, I couldn’t help but notice her ask the blonde babe about the ornate wooden box. “Okay if I look inside?” Blondie slid it across the table and the brunette flipped open the hinged lid.

tungsten darts

These were the darts in the wooden box. A sultry set of flights I'd say.

What could possibly be in this box? It was too small for cigars and too big for jewelry. Moments later I had my answer and so did the brunette as she held the most beautiful darts I had ever seen. No doubt they were tungsten, probably weighing in at 23 grams each.

Z’s is known for its dart league on Wednesdays but the four Winmau bristle dartboards were getting a rest tonight. With the weekend fast approaching, the boards would soon be seeing more action than targets on a gun range at boot camp. 

I noticed the brunette motion to Myra. She slipped something into Myra’s hand and the next thing I know, Myra was headed straight for me. The timing was perfect as I was ready to place my surf-n-turf order of fish and ribs.

“Sam, that young woman over there said to give this to you. She said you’d know what to do with it. She also said you’d need this napkin and one of my pencils. Oh, one last thing. She said to make sure you plug in your earbuds because you only get one chance.”

Intrigue! The small flash drive was still warm and carried a strong scent of Indecent, the perfume that makes me weak in the knees.

I flipped open my laptop and as it woke up, I plugged the flash drive into the USB port. My heart was throbbing faster than the tiny flashing red LED light. 

Seconds later, there it was on my screen. The tiny icon of the brunette’s flash drive with the words Start Me Up.

flash drive icon

I hesitated for just a second before clicking the icon. After all, it could wreak havoc on my laptop, but the temptation was irresistible. I clicked it. My laptop’s solid-state memory responded to the command and the next thing I saw was a new window with an MP3 player that seductively said TOUCH ME HERE

So I did…

It's time to HELP Sam!!!

CLICK (TOUCH) the round PLAY BUTTON  just below and HEAR exactly what Sam is hearing through his earbuds!!!

Be SURE you have a pencil and paper handy!!!!

Are you hearing impaired or want to SEE the coded message? I've got you covered. CLICK or TAP HERE to get a full copy of the script used in the above audio track.

The post Johnson Hardware 2021 Clue Game Clue 16 appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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