Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Fun AsktheBuilder Clue Game

Solve the Mystery!

It's time to have some real fun. Who can resist an easy, entertaining, and short mystery game? Not you, that's for sure!

As soon as you solve the mystery, you'll be part of the AsktheBuilder.com Secret Circle and be able to enjoy all the honors and benefits of this elite group!

You're going to use your sleuthing skills to ensure Sam has experienced his last worthless evening.

It's now time for you to read the beginning of the mystery story.

The clue for the NEXT WORD in the story is right out in the open inside the first room you need to visit. You'll see that link.

Are you ready?

I GUARANTEE you'll LAUGH OUT LOUD when you finally decode the secret message.

My name is Sam. I live alone, but that’s not my choosing. That loud thud you heard twenty-four months ago was the sound of me being kicked to the curb. I’ve pretty much kept to myself since then but lately, I’ve mustered up the courage to venture out. I almost always end up at one of my old favorite haunts. I’ve found that Thursday nights offer the best scenery.

It was one of those venturing-out nights when...

CLICK or TAP HERE, find the next word in the story, and continue to unravel the mystery!

The fate of the planet, and Sam's future, hang in the balance for goodness sake!

Good Luck. I can't wait to hear from you. Please reply to me and share what you think of this new mystery game format!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post The Fun AsktheBuilder Clue Game appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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