Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Johnson Hardware 2021 Clue Game Clue 13

...I also flip open my laptop and play a little solitaire or hone my blackjack skills. I  know all the regulars and I know trouble when it walks through the door.

This night I decided to skip the online games to keep an eye on these chics. I was trying to memorize every detail I could take in for the police report I was sure was going to be filed before the night was over. 

They headed toward the large INSERT YOUR 12TH CLUE WORD HERE shaped table across the room. Myra, the waitress,...

Step One: CLICK or TAP HERE or the small thumbnail photo.


Step Two: Use the following hint to find the OBJECT in the photo that's your 13th clue.

Full privacy, yet see-through! How is that possible?

Step Three: CLICK or TAP HERE to see where your clue word fits into the continuing mystery.

The post Johnson Hardware 2021 Clue Game Clue 13 appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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