Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Johnson Hardware 2021 Clue Game Clue 10

...The ginger had a firm grasp on a black briefcase.

It was cool in the bar but I felt a trickle of sweat run down my spine. Hank, the bartender, keeps the temperature down believing customers buy more of his watered-down liquid courage when they're trying to stay warm.

I’m a regular at the Z Bar. I hang out here at least one night a week. Several have tried to include me in their INSERT YOUR 9TH CLUE WORD HERE of friends but I prefer to drink alone. I’m a morning person, work from home, and I call it a day around 3 pm so I arrive early. I...

Step One: CLICK or TAP HERE or the small thumbnail photo.exercise room

Step Two: Use the following hint to find the OBJECT in the photo that's your 10th clue.

Rehydration vessel useful in the Atacama Desert

Step Three: CLICK or TAP HERE to see where your clue word fits into the continuing mystery.

The post Johnson Hardware 2021 Clue Game Clue 10 appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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