Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Johnson Hardware 2021 Audio Script

Just below is the script that was used for the following audio player.

Hi Sammy. Is it okay that I call you that or do you prefer Sam? I know your mom, your buddies Roger and Mike, and a few others call you Sammy.

It’s me, Piper, the brunette talking to you. Oh, don’t look up, look back at your laptop screen as if you’re playing solitaire. BTW, you shouldn’t cheat. I caught you doing it several times. More on that in a moment. You do realize you’re only playing against yourself, right?

I’m sure you want to know who I am and how I know these things about you. It’s perplexing, isn’t it?

Well, here’s the story. You see, you’re the subject of my senior project for the FBI academy. It took me a month to find you and once I did, I started digging into your past. I've come to get to know you over the past two months.

Why choose you? Because you’re good-looking, you’re smart, and you’re predictable. My friends Buffy, yes, she’s the blonde, and Lacy are working on the same assignment with me.

If we want to graduate, we need to get an A on the project that combines surveillance, disguises, and cryptography all into one assignment. That’s where you come in. 

We already know we’ll get flying colors for surveillance. Buffy bumped into you in the grocery three weeks ago. Remember? I’m talking about that old woman who needed you to get the spice jar from the top shelf. What a great job she did on her disguise. She already got an A+ for that one.

You were so focused on shopping you never saw her take all the photos of you and what was in your buggy. I’m not surprised because the camera is so small. It was hidden in a button on her coat. I must say, you’re a healthy eater! Good for you!

I was that middle-aged woman in the produce section yapping on her cell phone who kept following you through the store. You sure looked annoyed.

Lacy was the FedEx driver you tried to chat up two weeks ago. Uniforms, ponytails, and no makeup sure make a difference don’t they? Imagine if she had put on a plump suit adding twenty pounds. Yeah, we use those all the time too.

And do you remember when I was your waitress here a month ago? My long hair was in a bun, I had on all that garish jewelry, and made sure you saw all those fake tats up and down my arms. The librarian glasses and southern accent sure added to the illusion didn’t they?

I’m sure you remember my Indecent perfume because I saw you swooning in the tiny mirrors that were in my glasses. When I was waiting on adjacent tables, I'd check in on you and I saw you forcing the win in solitaire. Naughty boy!

Now we’re down to the last part of the assignment. You can’t fail me now, sweetheart.  

You only get ONE chance to decode the message I’m about to give you. There’s a lot weighing on this, Sammy. If you succeed, I get an A for the project, I graduate, and since I don’t have a boyfriend right now, who knows what could happen. Maybe we’ll go out for a two-step chocolate sundae. We can share!

Now pick up the pencil and write down these four cryptic words. Then you’ve only got five minutes to decode them.

But first, take a moment to look up from the screen now. Yes, we’ve been playing darts and we’re a third of the way through our game of cricket. Lacy is a dead-eye and always seems to win. I just winked at you. Did you catch that?

Now you need to decode the message before we walk out of the door and possibly out of your life. Decode it in time, and maaaaaaybe we discover that we’re soulmates. Ready?

Here’s the first word:

Y  F  B   

Here’s the second word:

N  L  I  V  

Here’s the third word:

Q  L  S  M  H  L  M 

 Here’s the fourth word:

S  Z  I  W  D  Z  I  V

Thanks for being such a wonderful accomplice for my project! I owe you. And remember, no more cheating in solitaire!

Did that decoding exercise remind you of someone? I thought so!

"...a crummy commercial?   .... son of a ....!"

Many many thanks to Johnson Hardware for their trust and faith in me and you and the Walt Denny, Inc. team for giving me all the creative rope I need to hang myself.

Be SURE to CLICK or TAP HERE to see ALL OF THE AMAZING Johnson Hardware photos in their gallery.

The post Johnson Hardware 2021 Audio Script appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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