Saturday, February 6, 2021

February 5, 2021 Sneak Peek At Sunday’s Clue Game

Two days from now, you're going to unravel a mystery.

You're going to meet Sam. He's lonely, tends to play a little too much solitaire, and he has an encounter one cold evening that could be life-changing.

You control Sam's fate. All you have to do is solve the mystery and decode a short message! You can't let Sam down.

Yes, it's time for the annual Johnson Hardware fun game!

It's not a treasure hunt. You're going to solve a mystery.

A Virtual Game of Clue

Did you play the game of Clue as a child? In the board game, you travel to nine different rooms and get a clue each time you enter a different room. Once you have enough clues, you try to solve the mystery.

You'll be doing the same thing on Sunday but with a slight twist.

You'll go to a few more than nine rooms. It will happen SO FAST, you'll lose count - trust me.

At the end of the game, you have to decode a short message. It's caveman simple to decode the message.

If you decode it fast enough, you make Sam's future brighter. If you falter, well, let's not go there.

Here's what's going to happen. This Sunday when you open the newsletter I'll share a small paragraph about Sam and his situation.

Then I'll give you a link taking you to the first room you have to visit.

When you get to that page (room) of my website, you'll see a small thumbnail photo of the room you've just entered. There's a clue in the room you need to find.

I'm going to give you a hint when you enter each room so you can find the object in the photo that will help you solve the mystery and save Sam's skin.

You'll need to CLICK or TAP the tiny thumbnail photo so you can see a much bigger photo. The thumbnail may look like this:

thumnail of johnson hardware doors

Using the bigger photo, you can now CLEARLY SEE everything in each of the rooms.

You'll easily discover the clue in the room. You'll then go to the NEXT ROOM to continue reading and unraveling the mystery story!

The little thumbnail photo above is actually one of the rooms you must visit.

If I were you, I go up and CLICK or TAP that tiny photo now just to practice.

Once you're in the room, STUDY EVERYTHING YOU SEE. On Sunday, I'll be giving you a hint of exactly what to look for.

But for now, go ahead and take a look inside that room.

Remember, Sam's fate will rest in your hands! Get some sleep on Saturday night for goodness sake!

Tim Carter
Founder -
President - Build-A-Fun-Game Company

Do It Right, Not Over!

The post February 5, 2021 Sneak Peek At Sunday’s Clue Game appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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