Friday, January 31, 2020

Lake Winnisquam Winter Photos

Lake Winnisquam Winter Photos - Gorgeous in White

I live on the west shore of Lake Winnisquam in central New Hampshire. It's a gorgeous lake and the third largest one fully within the borders of the state.

Enjoy these photos that I've shot over the past month or so.

lake winnisquam snow

It looks like Norman Rockwell stopped by.

lake winnisquam moonrise

Smartphone digital zoom features pretty much are useless. The moon crescent was so crisp with the naked eye.

lake winnisquam dawn

The sun is about to rise. It gets nice and bright on most days before it pops out over Belknap Mountain across the lake.

lake winnisquam sunrise

Here's the sun rising just about a month after the winter solstice. This photo was taken on January 22, 2020

lake winnisquam bob house

The ice is safe enough to walk on for some. Not me! No way no how!

lake winnisquam bob house

Ice fishing happens inside this box. Liquid refreshments are also rumored to be consumed by the gallon.


The post Lake Winnisquam Winter Photos appeared first on Ask the Builder.

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